Archive for January, 2009



–adjective, -pier, -piest.
1. delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing: to be happy to see a person.

Simply put, things are going pretty well for me these days.  Besides my slight setback last week, in the form of the flu, I am happy.  Putting me out for 5 days & being home gave me some time to think about things that really matter.  When it boils down to it, there are 11 people I love with all of my heart, no matter what happens, they are my family.  My life.  My heart and reason I am the person I am today.  After that, there are those who mean a lot to me.  Love?  Well maybe, but not in a way that is unconditional.  Loving someone in a world where people change only to satisfy their own needs has taught me to guard my heart.  So for that, I will love those worthy of my love.  I will love those who have proven that they are more than another passerby. 

So there is this “somebody” that has recently entered my life.  He has simply swept me off my feet.  We only met a little while ago, but the little time that we have spent together he has started to show me the person that he is.  The genuine, kind, considerate, fun, and amazing person he is.  While there are many things in my life to be happy about, the fact that he has given me the time to get to know him and to spend with him is something really worth smiling about.  I mentioned in my first post, New Years started off great, it was spent with him.  That was the last time I saw him until last weekend.  Since he lives about 7 hours away, it is pretty hard to see each other often.  But when he was here, the time spent together was so natural.  With him, there is a certain ease to things.  Again, it just feels natural.  No awkard silences at dinner and no empty moments.   Now a week has passed and I can’t wait to see him again.  One thing about it though, I feel like I am able to be myself completely around him and I love that.  I am my goofy and sometimes slightly retarded self who says the wrong thing and makes a fool of herself.  But he doesn’t judge me or look at me like I have a third eyeball.  Maybe that will come back and bite me in the butt, but for now I am happy with the way things are.  I am glad to have the opportunity to get to know such a great person and can’t wait to see what will happen with the future.  xo

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans. – John Lennon, “Beautiful Boy”

Another Beginning

Here I am at the beginning of many different things.  The beginning of a new blog, a new year, a new (and last) semester before I recieve my Associates of Science and a new me. 

With a new blog there are many challenges for me.  I like writing blogs, but sometimes I don’t always have something to say.  Then I get to the point where I forget about them, become distracted with other things going on in my life or just don’t feel like writing at all!  So, with that being said, I am going to do my best to stay on top of this thing and make it the best blog ever!  Ok, well maybe not the best blog ever, but something interesting to read.

Now on to the new year!  I have to say, this year started off pretty spectacular.  I hope that will carry on throughout the year and continue to be something special.  I am looking forward to seeing what is in my future and know that all of the friendships, love and challenges that are ahead of me are going to be 100% worth it in the long run. 

Probably one of the best things going on in my life right now is the fact that I am 5 months away from having my Associates!  After 5 long years, the light at the end of the tunnel is within my grasp.  I may not necessarily like the road I have to take to get through these 5 months (ugh, statistics… need I say more?) but it will all be a faint fleck of dust when I look back at it.  I am very proud of myself for working this hard to get to where I am today.  I have made my parents proud as well as the rest of my family and that’s something for me to be extremely happy about.

The new me.  I am very excited about taking some time to figure out what I am and who I am.  I am not going to hide behind a facade anymore.  I am going to be me.  I am removing the people from my life that I feel are hindering me and will be embracing the people who continuously make me smile, laugh and encourge me to be myself 100%.  Nothing more, nothing less.  I am not going to be self-concious about myself, I am going to show my true colors.  If you like me, good.  If you love me, great!  If you hate me, well you’re a mean person and I don’t need you in my life anyways! 

So the next couple of months will consist of me working my full-time and part-time jobs, going to school two nights a week and training for the Shamrock 1/2 Marathon.  I am going to be a busy bee, for sure.  But, again, it will all be worth it.

So as for this short little post, there’s not much to it, but there will be more to come.