The sun shines brighter with you around…

Rob. 02/17/09.

My Rob!  His latest visit began on the 13th of February and has lasted up til now. These last three weeks have been simply amazing! I have seen him every day he has been here and the times we have spent together have been unbelievable! I am a very lucky girl to have found someone who is kind, considerate, affectionate, smart, talented, athletic, funny, sweet, generous and simply an incredible person! I mean, the list could go on and on without hesitation, but those are the ones that first come to mind when thinking of the person Rob is.

I feel like there is so much to us. We have so much in common and I think we could read the phonebook together and not even be bored. Ever since he arrived we have done so many things, from going to the driving range in the freezing cold to movies galore. We’ve played golf, run a few miles, walked around Mt. Trashmore, breakfast in bed, movies, karaoke, cornhole, catchphrase, dinners and so much more. Time with him is simply a pleasure and I just love being by his side doing all the things we do.

Being with Rob makes me so happy. There are no words to describe the emotions inside of me. He is such a spectacular person and the things that he has done with his life are a major inspiration to me. He does inspire me on a daily basis to be better and to do more with myself by just being Rob. I have never felt this way about a man before and I love the feeling I get when I think about him. When I think about the times we’ve had together and anticipate the times in the future we will spend together I am filled with so much happiness.

I have been spoiled with his last visit to Virginia. He has been here almost three weeks now! I don’t know what I’ll do with myself once he is gone. But luckily, he is still here and will be here until Sunday, so I won’t have to worry about that until then! Also, I will be flying to see him in New York City come one week from tomorrow, so it won’t be too bad. But once I return from my visit to the Big Apple the uncertainty will begin! When will he be back? How long til I see him again? Will things change? No. I won’t let them change. Even though there will be distance between us, our connection will not be broken. I will do everything within my power to keep that from happening. I know he will do the same.

Well, like I said, I am quite a lucky girl to have captured the attention of such a beautiful person (inside and out). He truly treats me like a princess, adores me and gives me all the respect I deserve. I am thankful to have someone in my life that cares about me and wants to be with me every moment of every day. I hit the jackpot with this one and I’m not going to give him up! As my good old mother says, “He’s a keeper!”

A keeper.

As for school, well my Old Dominion application has been stamped with the decision “admit” on it. So I have been accepted. Now I just need to finish up this semester and I am home free!

Statistics. Music Appreciation.

Oh man, I can’t wait until the last day of classes on May 7th. Then graduation comes May 15th and I am done with Tidewater Community College! I am so proud of myself for finally completing my Associates! I can’t wait to start working on my Bachelors and be done with my education for a few years. Ideally, I would like to go back to school maybe a couple years later and get my Masters. Yep, that’s the plan.

It’s so funny for me to look back at the last few years and see how much I have changed. I love the person I have become and I am so proud of the things I have accomplished. I know there are some things I would have done differently given another opportunity, but I am thankful that despite the bad choices I have made, I am still on my two feet working my butt off trying to correct them. These are the things that have helped mold me in to the person that I am and getting through them one day at a time will help teach me things to help me out later in life.

Hopefully this summer will be something special. I am looking forward to taking some time off around my birthday, maybe go away somewhere out of the country. That would be amazing, but unlikely at this point. I would settle on a trip to Key West or Hawaii. Just some time to get away and relax with nothing but my bathing suit, a few sun dresses, flip flops, sunglasses, suntan lotion, my man, the sun, sand and water. Throw in a few drinks and I’m good to go! I’ve got about two months before beach weather begins. So I am going to get down to it and start working out, running and maybe take up a yoga or Pilates class to get my but in shape! Well, that’s about it for now! I am off to get some work done! Hopefully this day will start going by a little bit faster because right now it’s taking f-o-r-e-v-e-r!

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